16S rDNA Sequencing

16S rDNA Sequencing

Sample to results in 39 hours

Sequencing cost as low as $2/sample

The V3-V4 region is highly variable and effective in revealing diverse microbial populations, making it ideal for microbial identification and classification. With PE300 read length and high-speed capabilities, DNBSEQ-G99 is a perfect sequencer for this application.



Library Prep

SP-960 System

ATOPlex 16S V3V4 rDNA Library Prep Set


DNBSEQ-G99 Genetic Sequencer

App-D FCL PE300 Sequencing Set


MegaBOLT Workstation

MetaSIS Software

Ordering Information

Workflow ​Type​Product name​Catalog No.​
Sample Preparation​Instrument​SP-NE32 Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor950-000020-00​
Reagents​MGIEasy Stool Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit II940-001247-00 (96RXN)​
Library Preparation​Instrument​SP-960 High-throughput Automated Sample Preparation System (Config. 9)​900-000154-00​
Reagents​ATOPlex 16S V3V4 rDNA Library Preparation Set​940-001261-00 (96RXN)​
940-000725-00 (576RXN)​
ATOPlex E450 Dual Barcode Balanced Library Reagent​940-000637-00​
DNBSEQ Dual Barcode Circularization Kit​940-001310-00 (16RXN)​
940-001309-00 (96RXN)​
Sequencing​Instrument​DNBSEQ-G99 Genetic Sequencer900-000713-00​
Reagents​App-D FCL PE300* High-throughput Sequencing Set​940-001717-00​
Analysis​Software​MetaSIS Software (Metabarcoding Species Identification)​970-000417-00 (unlimited)​
970-000456-00 (96Report)​
Hardware​ MegaBOLT Bioinformatics Analysis Accelerator (Workstation Server)​900-000677-00​