Pathogen Targeted Sequencing

Pathogen Targeted Sequencing

Sample to results in 11 hours

Sequencing cost as low as $25/sample

Pathogen Targeted Sequencing (tNGS), an amplicon-based sequencing, offers fast and cost-effective solutions for rapid screening and identification of common or known pathogens. The tNGS workflow, powered by Complete Genomics’ DNBSEQ-E25 sequencer with the AccuGen* Pathogen kits and software, enables the detection and quantification of 330 common pathogens (178 bacteria, 96 viruses, 56 fungi, and protozoans) and 150 drug-resistant genes from a variety of specimens, including blood, swab, sputum, BAL, urine, CSF, etc.



Sample Prep

AccuGen* Pathogen DNA/RNA extraction Kit (50 tests)

Library Prep

AccuGen* Pathogen Multiplex-PCR Library Prep Kit (96 tests)


AccuGen* Rapid Identification of Pathogen Microorganism Software

*Complete Genomics is the sole distributor of AccuGen products, from Health GeneTech (HGT), in the US.

Ordering Information

Workflow ​Type​Product name​Catalog No.​
Sample Preparation​Reagents​AccuGen* Pathogen DNA/RNA Extraction Kit​961-000013-00 (50 tests)​
Library Preparation​Reagents​AccuGen* Pathogen Multiplex-PCR Library Prep Kit​961-000014-00 (96 tests)​
Sequencing​Instrument​DNBSEQ-E25 Genetic Sequencer​900-000703-00​
Reagents​FCL SE100 High-throughput Sequencing Set​940-000894-00​
Analysis​Software​AccuGen Rapid Identification of Pathogen Microorganisms Software​ Pre-installed on DNBSEQ-E25​