MGIEasy FFPE DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit

This kit is designed to extract high-quality, genomic DNA from FFPE sections, paraffin-embedded blocks or formalin fixed tissue using superparamagnetic bead technology. The extracted genetic material can be used for PCR, RT-PCR and sequencing.

P/N940-000113-00 (32 RXN)
SpeciesHuman, Animal
Sample typeFFPE sections, Paraffin-embedded blocks, Formalin fixed tissue
Input volumeFFPE Section ≤ 8 sections (10 µm, 0.5 cm * 0.5 cm)
Paraffin embedded blocks ≤ 30 mg
Formalin fixed tissue ≤ 30 mg
Elution volume100 µL
Assay timeTotal assay time ~165 mins (hands-on time plus NE32 run time)
ApplicationRT-PCR, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE32

MGIEasy Magnetic Beads Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

This kit extracts high-quality genomic DNA from fresh or frozen blood, or buffy coat using superparamagnetic bead technology. The extracted genetic material can be used for PCR, real time PCR, arrays, and sequencing.

P/N940-000972-00 (96 RXN), 940-000973-00 (864 RXN)
SpeciesHuman, Animal
Sample typeAnimal tissues, amniotic fluid, blood, saliva, buccal swabs, cells
Input volumeBlood (fresh or frozen): 200 µL
Blood (anticoagulant): 5 µL to 10 µL
Saliva (stored): 500 µL
Saliva (fresh): 200 µL
Cell: ≤ 5×10⁶
Amniotic Fluid: 3 – 5 mL
Animal Tissue: 2 – 50 mg (manual), 5 – 15 mg (NE384)
Dried blood spots: 3 – 5 pieces, 3 mm in diameter
Elution volume50 – 100 µL
Assay timeSP-NE384: 40 min
SP-100: 90 min
SP-960: 120 min
No hands-on time is required
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR, Chip hybridization, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE384, SP-100, SP-960

MGIEasy Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit

Extract high-quality genomic DNA quickly and easily from animal tissues, blood, saliva, buccal swabs, cells and other samples using high-binding, super-paramagnetic beads. The extracted genomic DNA can be used for various routine applications, including enzyme digestion, PCR, RT-PCR, library preparation, chip hybridization and high-throughput sequencing.

P/N940-000974-00 (384 RXN)
Compatible SpeciesHuman, Animal
Sample typeAnimal tissues, dried blood spots, blood, saliva, buccal swabs, cells and other samples
Input volumeBlood (fresh/frozen): 200 µL
Blood (anticoagulant): 5 – 10 µL
Saliva (stored): 500 µL
Saliva (fresh): 200 µL
Cell: ≤ 5×10⁶
Animal Tissue: 5 – 15 mg
Dried blood spots: 3 – 5 pieces, 3 mm in diameter
Elution volume50 – 150 µL
Assay time40 min
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR, Chip hybridization, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE384

MGIEasy Plant gDNA Extraction Set

Extract high-yield, high purity, high-integrity genomic DNA from plants with this kit that utilizes high-concentration salt ion lyse, magnetic bead capture, and a wash buffer to remove impurities. Suitable for leaves and seed samples from various fresh plants (crops, economic plants, etc.). Compatible with SP-NE384 and SP-960 automation platforms.

P/N940-001323-00 (96 RXN), 940-001324-00 (384 RXN)
Sample typeLeaves and seeds of various fresh plants (crops, economic plants, etc.)
Input volumeLeaves: 10 ~ 100 mg
Seeds: 10 – 50 mg
Elution volume80 μL
Assay timeManual: 30 min
SP-NE384: 35 min
SP-960: 60 min
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE384, SP-960

MGIEasy Circulating DNA Isolation Kit

This kit isolates high-purity, cell-free DNA from human plasma. The kit uses superparamagnetic bead technology. The extracted product can be used for PCR, RT-PCR, arrays and sequencing.

P/N1000017017 (192 RXN)
Sample typePlasma
Input volumeManual: 300 µL
SP-100/SP-960: 220 µL
Elution volume30 – 50 µL
Assay time45 min
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR, Microarray, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-100

MGIEasy Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit

Efficiently purify microbial DNA from various sample types, such as serum, plasma, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), BALF (alveolar lavage fluid), sputum, bacterial culture fluid, etc. This kit is suitable for extracting DNA from gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, fungi, yeast, DNA viruses, and more.

P/N1000027955 (96 RXN)
SpeciesBacteria, Fungi, Virus
Sample typeSwab, serum, plasma, CSF, BALF, sputum, bacterial culture fluid
Input volumeCerebrospinal fluid, alveolar lavage fluid , Sputum sample: 700 ~ 800 μL
Serum, plasma sample: 300 – 1000 μL
Viscous sputum: 500 ~ 600 μL
Microbial culture: 1 mL
Elution volume80 µL
Assay timeManual: 45 min
SP-960: 1.5 hrs
ApplicationPCR, RT-qPCR, Microarray, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-960

MGIEasy Stool Human DNA Extraction Kit

This kit is is designed for efficiently extracting and purifying high quality genomic DNA from fresh and frozen human stool samples. The extracted product can be used for the early screening of colorectal cancer and the research of human intestinal diseases.

P/N940-000155-00 (96 RXN), 940-000157-00 (1536 RXN)
SpeciesHuman, Animal
Sample typeFresh or frozen stool samples
Input volume200 μL
Elution volume100 – 150 μL
Run TimeManual: 90 min
SP-NE384: 60 min
SP-960: 90 min
ApplicationPCR, RT-qPCR, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE384, SP-960

MGIEasy Stool Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit Ⅱ

Extracting and purify high quality microbial genomic DNA from fresh and frozen human stool, saliva and swab samples. Achieve low-bias extraction of microbial species from a variety of samples, including G-/G+ bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.

P/N940-001247-00 (96 RXN), 940-001246-00 (384 RXN)
SpeciesHuman, Animal
Sample typeFresh or frozen human stool, saliva and swab
Input volumeSolid or semi-solid stool: 180 – 200 mg
Stool with stool preservative: 200 – 1000 μL
Fresh saliva: 500 μL
Saliva with saliva preservative: 1 mL
Swab: 1 mL
Swab with saliva preservative: 1 mL
Elution volume50 – 150 μL
Assay timeSP-NE32: 30min
SP-NE384: 35 min
SP-960: 60 min
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE32, SP-NE384, SP-960

MGIEasy Nucleic Acid Extraction

Extract high-purity, viral nucleic acids (DNA or RNA), using a special lysis buffer and nano-magnetic beads to shorten turnaround times. Primary reagents are prepacked into 96-well plates. This kit is designed for the SP-NE32 (for 32 preps).

P/N1000023774 (32 RXN)
Sample typeThroat swab, nasal swab, blood, saliva, serum, stool, cervical swab, urine, animal tissue
Input volume300 µL
Elution volume80 µL
Assay time35 min
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR
Lab auto platformSP-NE32

MGIEasy Nucleic Acid Extraction

Extract viral nucleic acid from swab samples with a special buffer that makes TAT as short as 9 minutes. Primary reagents are prepacked into 96-well plates. This kit is designed for the SP-NE32 (for 32 preps).

P/N1000023938 (32 RXN)
Sample typeOral and basal swabs
Input volume200 µL
Elution volume50 µL
Run Time10 min
ApplicationRT-PCR, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE32

MGIEasy Nucleic Acid Extraction

Extract viral nucleic acid from various sample types with superparamagnetic bead technology Compatible with multiplex automatic extraction platform, such as SP-NE384, SP-100, SP-960.

P/N1000020471 (96 RXN), 1000020261 (1728 RXN)
Sample typeOral, nasal, and cervical swabs, saliva, FTA card washing solution and BALF
Input volume160 – 200 µL
Elution volumeSP-NE384: 50 μL
SP-100: 37.5 – 50 μL
SP-960: 50 μL
Assay timeSP-NE384: 384 samples/20 min
SP-100: 8 – 32 samples/40 – 80min
SP-960: 192 samples/60min
ApplicationPCR, RT-PCR, Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-NE384, SP-100, SP-960

MGIEasy Total RNA Extraction Set

Extract RNA from samples using high-concentration salt ion lyse with magnetic bead capture and wash buffer to remove proteins. Suitable for total RNA extraction from samples such as cells, animal tissues (fresh or frozen), blood, and more. Compatible with SP-NE32, SP-NE384 and SP-960 automation platforms.

P/N940-000880-00 (96 RXN), 940-000875-00 (384 RXN)
SpeciesHuman, Animal, Bacteria
Sample typeEukaryotic cells, humans or animal tissues, blood, and prokaryotic cells such as bacterial G+ and bacterial G -.
Input volumeHuman blood: 100 ~ 200 μL
Animal tissue: 1 ~ 20 mg (manual); 1 – 20 mg (SP-NE32); 5 – 30 mg (SP-NE384); 1 – 30 mg (SP-960)
Cell: 1 × 10⁵ ~ 5 × 10⁶
Bacteria :5 × 10⁷ ~ 5 × 10⁹
Yeast: 5 × 10⁷
Elution volume50 – 150 μL
Assay timeManual: 40 min
SP-NE32: 50 min
SP-NE384: 60 min
SP-960: 90 min
ApplicationRNA-Seq, RT-PCR, and more
Lab auto platformSP-NE32, SP-NE384, SP-960

DNBSEQ rRNA Depletion Kit

Efficiently deplete rRNA (including cytoplasmic 5 S rRNA, 5.8 S rRNA, 18 S rRNA, 28 S rRNA, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA 12 S rRNA, 16 S rRNA and 45 S pre-ribosomal RNA) from human, mouse and rat samples using a low input of 10 ng~1 μg total RNA. The resulting mRNA and other noncoding RNA are suitable for downstream RNA analysis applications. This kit is compatible with both intact and degraded RNA (e.g. FFPE RNA).

P/N940-001812-00 (16 RXN), 940-001811-00 (96 RXN)
SpeciesHuman, Mouse, Rat
Sample typeTotal RNA from blood fresh tissue, FFPE RNA
Input volumeTotal RNA: 10 ~ 1 μg
Elution volumeVariable depending on application
Assay time2 hrs
ApplicationWhole-Transcriptome Sequencing, Long Non-Coding RNA Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-100, SP-960

DNBSEQ rRNA & Globin Depletion Kit

Efficiently deplete rRNA and Globin mRNA (including cytoplasmic 5 S rRNA, 5.8 SrRNA, 18 S rRNA, 28 S rRNA, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA 12 S rRNA, 16 S rRNA and 45 S preribosomal RNA) and Globin mRNA (including HBA1/2, HBB, HBD, HBG1/2, HBM, HBE1,HBQ1,HBZ) from human blood using a low input of 10 ng~1 μg total RNA. The resulting mRNA and other noncoding RNA are suitable for downstream RNA analysis applications.

P/N940-001810-00 (16 RXN), 940-001813-00 (96 RXN)
Sample typeTotal RNA from Human blood
Input volumeTotal RNA: 10 ~ 1 μg
Elution volumeVariable depending on application
Assay time2 hrs
ApplicationWhole-Transcriptome Sequencing, Long non-coding RNA Sequencing
Lab auto platformSP-100, SP-960

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