DNBSEQ-G800 Sequencer

Sequencing Without Limits

Exceptional Accuracy & Longer Reads


DNBSEQ-G800 Sequencer

Sequencing Without Limits

Exceptional Accuracy & Longer Reads

Highly Accurate

Achieve Q40 (>90%) with CoolMPS™ chemistry.

Long Read Length

Sequence up to 600 bp continuously.


Run 2 flow cells independently & load 8 lanes individually.

G800 Sequencer Overview

DNBSEQ-G800 is a versatile benchtop sequencer designed for exceptional accuracy and extended read lengths, utilizing DNBSEQ™ technology.

Longer Reads

With Q40 accuracy and single-end reads of 600 bp or longer, it delivers the longest single read among short-read sequencers. This breakthrough is powered by CoolMPS™ technology, providing brighter and sharper imaging.

The long read length option removes barriers when sequencing challenging genomic regions, offering deeper insights into complex genetic information.

DNBSEQ-G800 is ideal for a range of applications, including:

  • Sequencing of highly variable or repetitive genomic regions
  • Identification of structural variants
  • Genome assembly
  • Full-length transcriptome RNA-seq
  • HLA typing, TCR/BCR sequencing, 16S rRNA, amplicon sequencing, and more 

Auto Wash Module

The DNBSEQ-G800 features an integrated auto-wash module that connects externally via a liquid line to the sequencer.

Simply insert the cleaning cartridge, and the wash cycle will automatically start immediately after sequencing.


CoolMPS™ Technology

No Quenching

Higher Signal Intensity

Longer Read Length

Higher Accuracy

CoolMPS™ technology utilizes nucleotides with natural bases and extension blocks, combined with labeled antibodies that are both base-specific and block-dependent.

In the traditional method, scarring—one of the main limiting factors for long-read lengths—can occur, but this issue is eliminated with the CoolMPS approach.

In the CoolMPS method, each nucleotide (dNTP) is linked to 2-4 fluorescent dyes via antibodies, resulting in higher signal intensity and much better imaging. This contributes to exceptional sequencing accuracy and reliable long-read performance.


Improved Coverage Across a Tandem Repeat Region

The SE600 long-read option on the DNBSEQ-G800 sequencer excels at sequencing challenging genomic regions that paired-end 150 sequencing struggles with. This includes tandem repeats, homopolymer stretches, and high GC content regions, as well as detecting structural variants like insertions and deletions.

The SE600 on the DNBSEQ-G800 sequencer demonstrated significantly improved coverage across a tandem repeat region compared to the PE150, providing more comprehensive and reliable data.


The SE600 demonstrated significantly improved coverage across a tandem repeat region compared to the PE150. 

Streamlined WGS Workflow

Sample Prep

< 1hr

Lab Automation


Kits & Reagents

  • MGIEasy Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit
  • MGIEasy Magnetic Beads Genomics DNA Extraction Kit
  • MGIEasy Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit

Library Prep

< 7hrs

Lab Automation


Kits & Reagents

  • MGIEasy FS DNA LIbrary Prep Set





Kits & Reagents

  • CoolMPS High-throughtput
  • Sequencing Reagent Set (CM App-D FCL PE150)






  • MegaBOLT WGS/WES Basic Analysis


Application TypeData RequirementRecommend read length# of sample per flow cell*# of sample per run
Single cell RNA-Seq5000 cells
50K reads per cell
100 Gb per sample
Transcriptomics40M reads/samplePE1504590
Targeted small panel1 Gb per samplePE1005401080
Targeted large panel5 Gb per samplePE100108216
WES100X sequencing depth
15 Gb per sample
WGS30X sequencing depth
100 Gb per sample
16S0.1M reads per sampleSE600*48009600

* The # of sample per flow cell is calculated based on 1800M reads per flow cell except for SE600 based on 1600M reads per flow cell.

Performance Parameters

# of Flow CellsReadsRead LengthData Output (Gb)Run Time**Q40
1-21.8 – 3.6BSE50*90 – 18012 hrs>90%
SE100*180 – 36020 hrs>90%
PE100360 – 72036 hrs>90%
PE150540 – 108048 hrs>90%
1.6 – 3.2BSE600960 – 192086 hrs>80%

* Made-to-order products **Run time refers to the duration from post-loading to sequencing completion for one or two flow cells.

Ordering Information

CategoryProductCat. No.
InstrumentDNBSEQ-G800 Genetic Sequencer900-000597-00
Sequencing ReagentsCoolMPS High-throughput Sequencing Reagent Set (CM App-D FCL SE50)940-001254-00
CoolMPS High-throughput Sequencing Reagent Set (CM App-D FCL SE100)940-001258-00
CoolMPS High-throughput Sequencing Reagent Set (CM App-D FCL PE100)940-001257-00
CoolMPS High-throughput Sequencing Reagent Set (CM App-D FCL PE150)940-001250-00
CoolMPS High-throughput Sequencing Reagent Set (CM App-D FCL SE600)940-001733-00

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