MegaBOLT Bioinformatics Pipeline
Experience Lightning-Fast Analysis

Bioinformatics accelerator for high-speed sequencing analysis
Powered by our ultra high-performance bioinformatics computer, MegaBOLT incorporates classical algorithms like SOAPnuke, Minimap2, BWA, GATK HaplotypeCaller + MuTect2, DeepVariant, and more to deliver ultra-fast speed, excellent sensitivity and precision, and easy, user-friendly operation for your WGS and WES sequencing analysis.
MegaBOLT Pipeline

Up to 36X Faster Than Traditional GATK Pipeline
MegaBOLT can perform Germline WGS in 1.5 hrs at 30X coverage and Germline Exome analysis at 100X in 20 mins. That’s 28X faster than GATK for whole genome and 47X faster than GATK for whole exome. Similarly, for Somatic analysis, MegaBOLT can complete the analysis in 5 hours for whole genome at 40X and in 50 minutes for whole exome at 400X coverage. These numbers are for processing a whole sequencing run by one MegaBOLT. For reference, MegaBOLT can analyze DNBSEQ-G400 data in one day, a task would take other processors up to 2 weeks.

One MegaBOLT Equals Multiple Servers
Only one MegaBOLT is all you need for storage and analysis. This consolidated computing power translates to a huge cost savings on both space and funds since you don’t need multiple servers or storage to complete analysis tasks.

User-Friendly Interface and Multi-Task Scheduling
MegaBOLT is integrated with our proprietary LIMS (ZLIMS) for fully automated sequencing and analysis, and a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) means command line codes or a bioinformatics technical background are not required.

Achieve 99.9% Accuracy for SNP and INDEL Variant Calling
MegaBOLT is equipped with a deep learning module for variant calling, MegaBOLT-DV, which is optimized by algorithms and specified neural network model training. When MegaBOLT-DV is used in combination with PCR-Free library preparation and DNBSEQ sequencing technology, the human WGS variant calling precision can reach an excellent SNP 99.9% and INDEL 99%.

MegaBolt Workstation Specifications

Component | Tech Specs |
CPU | Intel Xeon Gold x2 |
Display Monitor | Included |
RAM | 192 GB DDR4 |
HDD Storage | 30 TB |
SSD Cache | 2.25 TB |
License | 110 Tbp WGS/WES Basic Analysis Package |
Annual Analysis Capacity | Up to 5,000 WGS (30X)/set |
Apps | ZLIMS Lite ZMART |
Ordering Information
Type | Product name | Catalog No. |
Hardware | MegaBOLT Bioinformatics Accelerator (Workstation Server) | 900-000677-00 |
Hardware | MegaBOLT Dongle | 058-000019-00 |
Software | MegaBOLT WGS/WES Basic Analysis License (1 year duration) | 970-000136-00 |
Learn More
Download the brochure or talk to a specialist to get started with MegaBOLT.